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About Us

Ghion Satalite Television (GTV) is a private media which is established in 2024 by the renowned journalist Minalachew Simachew who has a 20 years of proven experiance in brodcast media.. GTV advocates for the survival of the Amhara people by refuting the false narrative that was preached against Amhara by different anti Ethiopia forces for decades. Ghion Television is a well-founded and authentic media platform through satellite television and short-wave radio stations. All or some of the programs streamed on Ghion Television outlets will also be shared on different social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, tweeter, tikt0k ,rumble etc.

Mission & Vision

Ghion satalite Television (GTV) is stablished to address the information gap in exposing the government sponsored genocide and advocate towards the Amhara People in particular and to all Ethiopians in general. GTV advocates for equality, justice and accountability for all the crimes being committed against humanity.
The general objective of establishing this media is to be a voice to the voiceless people who are a victim of silent genocide for decades and facing existential treat in the 21st Century.
GTV serves as a reliable source of information to the public by promoting truthful and timely social and political issues. It also serves as a platform that promotes intellectual discussions.

ስለ ሚዲያውና ስለእኛ

ግዮንቴሌቪዥንእ.ኤ.አ በ2024 የተቋቋመየግልቴሌቪዥንጣቢያነው፡፡ ይህሚዲያየተቋቋመውበሃገርወዳድዜጎችድጋፍቢሆንምበባለቤትነትየሚያስተዳድረውበጋዜጠኝነትሙያ ከ20 ዓመታትበላይከፍተኛልምድናእውቀትባለውታዋቂውጋዜጠኛምናላቸውስማቸውነው፡፡ ግዮንቴሌቪዥንበተለይምለአማራህልውናየሚደረገውንትግልበጽኑይደግፋል፡፡ ሚዲያውበተለያዩፀረኢትዮጲያሀይሎችበአማራውላይየሚነዙየሃሰትትርክቶችንበማጋለጥተግቶይሰራል፡፡ ግዮንቴሌቪዥንየሚያሰራጫቸውመረጃዎችበሳተላይትናበሬዲዮሞገድየሚተላለፉናቸው፡፡ ከነዚህምበተጨማሪምየተለያዩየማህበራዊሚዲያአውታሮችማለትምበዩቲዩብ፣ በፌስቡክናበቲውተርእንዲሁምበረምብልናበቲክቶክመረጃዎችንያሰራጫል፡፡


ግዮንቴሌቪዥንየተመሰረተውበህብረተሰባችንውስጥያለውንየመረጃክፍተትለመሙላትናእውነተኛዘገባዎችንለማቅረብነው፡፡በተለይምአገዛዙበአማራላይየሚፈፅመውንየዘርፍጅትበማጋለጥበአጠቃላይበኢትዮጲያዊንላይየሚደርሰውንየሰብአዊመብትጥሰትእየተከታተለይዘግባል።ግዮንቴሌቪዥንለእኩልነት፣ለፍትህናለተጠያቂነትአበክሮይሰራል፡፡ ይህየቴሌቪዥንጣቢያበዋነኝነትየተቋቋመበትአላማድምጽአልባለሆኑየህብረተስብሀይሎችድምጽለመሆንነው፡፡ ሚዲያውየዘርማጥፋትወንጀልሰለባለሆኑምሆነ በ21ኛው ክፍለዘመንህልውናቸውአደጋላይለወደቁየማህበረሰባችንክፍሎችዘብናጠበቃሆኖያገለግላል፡፡ ግዮንቴሌቪዥንበማህበራዊ ፣ በፖለቲካዊናኢኮኖሚያዊጉዳዮችላይእውነተኛናአሁናዊመረጃዎችንበማሰባሰብትክክለኛምንጭሆኖበትጋትይሰራል፡፡ ለምሁራንምየመወያያመድረክሆኖአገልግሎትይሰጣል፡፡